Thursday, November 20, 2008

A new Christmas tree

When we moved out of our last house, we left our old Christmas tree behind. We're in the process of trying to figure out the dimensions and costs of a new one right now. A couple lessons I have learned from this experience:

1. Artificial Christmas trees are expensive. It is hard to find a prelit tree for less than $150.
2. When measuring the height of the room, do not let your 3 year old hold one end of the measuring tape while you're on the ladder holding the other end. She's just going to run with the tape.
3. Take into account you tree topper. Our ceiling is 8'8" high, but we will need to get a 7'6" tree. Why? Because our Santa Clause tree topper is approximately 1' tall and we already shove enough of the tree up his orfices.